• Holder of a BS degree in Civil Engineering in 1982 and registered in the Syndicate of Engineers since 1983, Engineer Abdo Sekarieh is LEMACO’s Chairman and formal representative. Eng. Sekarieh is a well reputed lecturer on civil works and construction. He has actively participated in many national, regional and international conferences, forums, workshops and seminars. Eng. Sekarieh is the president of several welfare associations that cares for the Sport, Woman Rights, Environment issues and Academic and Vocational Education. • Former head of the fifth branch of the Order of Engineers and Architects (2004 - 2007). • Working with International organizations. • Representing the Order of Engineers and the Lebanese Contractors Syndicate in the debates related to the procurement law, the Taxes and related regulations..etc. • in 2018 Establishing of LEMACO GREEK in partnership with MESOGEOS S.A, highly positioned in the market of water and solid waste treatment as well as in the sector of energy generation from renewable sources of energy. • in 2022 Establishing and running of LEMACO International LTD in Cyprus.